“…If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all” (Mark 9:35, KJV).

Ministry Leadership Team

“…for the people had a mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6, KJV).

Men’s Ministry
Email: kdrummin@hotmail.com

Deacon Kevin Matthews

Women’s Ministry
Email: twalts711@gmail.com

Lady Tamara Walters

Youth Ministry
Email: butlerk4@gmail.com

Sister Krystal Butler

Minister of Music
Email: matthewskn@live.com

Sister Shellie Matthews

Email: deionhaskins1295@gmail.com

Brother Deion Haskins

Ushers & Greeters Ministry
Email: millicent.k.greene@gmail.com

Sister Millicent Greene

Audio & Video Ministry
Email: gmswaldorf@gmail.com

Brother Isaiah Walters

Christian Education
Email: gmswaldorf@gmail.com


Outreach & Community Engagement
Email: philjsmith327@gmail.com

Deacon Phillip Smith

Transportation Ministry
Email: gmswaldorf@gmail.com
