“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” (Psalm 122:1, KJV).
Membership 101
The purpose of the Membership 101 course is to provide new members with guidance and resources as they enjoy their spiritual development and growth in Jesus Christ. This course will consist of 4 working sessions. Once the course is completed, new members are eligible for New Membership graduation, which is held every 1st Sunday.
Active Membership: allows believers to identify, connect, and worship with the church while having access to church ministry resources. Active membership is also designed for those who have a desire and are called to operate in certain spiritual giftings and ministries. Active membership also provides believers with the opportunity to serve in “official” leadership positions and much more.
Watch Care Membership: allows believers to identify, connect, and worship with the church while having access to specific church ministry resources that are provided to active members while in watch care membership status. Watch care membership is also designed to provide a spiritual covering for individuals who have a temporary, conditional, or unofficial membership with us. Watch care members will have the opportunity to serve and be members of auxiliaries and ministries within the church.